Linn Conservancy to Host Hands-on, At-home Educational Event
On Saturday, March 27 at 10 am, the Merrill Linn Conservancy will host an online educational event exploring how the built environment in a community—buildings, parking lots, and other impermeable surfaces—affects the quality of rainwater runoff that enters our local streams. This hands-on educational opportunity, Rain to Drain–Slow the Flow and Protect our Community Streams—is geared to intermediate and middle school students in the Borough of Lewisburg as well as to students throughout Union and surrounding counties.
The young people who participate in this hands-on program will perform several experiments demonstrating what happens to rainwater runoff and how small changes in our communities can protect the quality of water entering our streams. The Conservancy is partnering with Penn State Extension, which developed the hands-on Rain to Drain: Slow the Flow curriculum.
Participants are required to pre-register for the online event HERE
Deadline to register is Saturday March 20
The Conservancy will provide registrants with materials for the hands-on experiments included in this learning opportunity.
The program is made possible by the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania’s approval of a $500 award to the Conservancy. The award is provided by a grant from Lindig Lewisburg Foundation Fund at the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania (FCFP).
“We are grateful for the support of FCFP and for their recognition that clean water and healthy streams are closely linked with community wellness and quality of life,” says Tali MacArthur, Education Chair of the Merrill Linn Conservancy (MLC). “With the Foundation’s support, we are able to offer a fun and educational program that highlights how each of us can make a difference right where we live.”
The Foundation works to improve the quality of life in north central Pennsylvania through community leadership, the promotion of philanthropy, the strengthening of nonprofit impact, and the perpetual stewardship of charitable assets. FCFP strives to create powerful communities through passionate giving. For more information visit
The Merrill Linn Conservancy is a nonprofit volunteer organization that works to preserve and protect significant ecological sites in Union, upper Northumberland, and contiguous counties and to educate the public on conservation issues critical to the health of our environment.